Walking in Piddle Brook Meadows last week. A skylark was singing. It's song was so sweet and carrying quite a distance. Looking high into the sky it was nowhere to be seen. I realised it was instead hovering low and with wings outstretched. Singing all the time. A beautiful sound.
Soooo many long tailed just fledged tits that I was spoilt for choice when it came to taking photos. It was early morning - around 7:30 in the morning.
A very cute little fella
Even the presence of my labrador, which is usually enough to scare most of the bird population out of camera taking distance, didn't phase them. There were maybe 10-12 of them (I counted 10 in one picture so there were probably more) and most of them looked like they were slightly in shock at being out in the big world beyond the nest.
Blue Tit possibly just fledged too |
Cute! |
Bad Hair Day |
The tree was a recently dead beech so provided a nice contrast to the birds and meant the leaves didn't get in the way. They seemed to like picking at the unfurled leaves or beech nuts on the tree. Some were still very fluffy and a few looked like their feathers would be barely enough for flight. Undeniably cute.