Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Blue Tits Feeding Chicks

2015 was a productive year in the garden for the birds.

Within a 5 metre radius we had nesting starlings, robbins and blue tits. The starlings used one of the holes that had been carved out by a green woodpecker when we were on holiday in February for their nest. Apparently it is not uncommon for starlings to beat the green woodpeckers up in order to get their brood the best slot.

The other holes that the woodpecker had made in the timber frame (probably six in total!) were filled with oak timber specially carved to fit while the starlings nested in the highest hole which we left open while their offspring were fed on a schedule that was tiring just to watch.  Relentless in pursuit of grubs and larvae from the field next door.

The blue tits made the most of the nesting box and there were probably four blue tits fledged.
One of the blue tits looked quite battered, its feathers on its head missing with a bald patch. Its focus was clearly on feeding its young.