This is the email that we were absolutely thrilled to be able to send out to our database of supporters this week from the Wychavon Parishes Action Group (WPAG) Committee.
"You will no doubt be as delighted as we are at the news today that the Planning Inspectorate have Dismissed the Appeal to develop 4 chicken sheds by Edward Davies on land adjacent to Froghall Bungalow.
unanimous verdict to refuse planning permission by Wychavon District
Council on 12th September 2014 on the basis of Visual Impact on the
Landscape has been upheld.
is a critical decision and will have major implications for other
planning applications nearby and for similar developments in the
planning stage in other parts of the UK.
We would like to thank everybody in the community for supporting our campaign - it would not have been possible without you.
further information on the campaign and for links to the planning
inspectorate document which are posted on the Wychavon Council Planning
website please visit
Thank you for your support!
So Mr Edward Davies can only develop two sheds at the location.
The field which will only ever have at most two sheds on it - if any! |
The implications are huge. Most importantly for those who would have been downwind of the site and for those who live next door to it or overlook it whose lives would have been forever changed. The Planning Inspector rightly determined that the presence of regimented enormous industrial units against the backdrop of productive fields and sheep farming with scattered settlements was just plain wrong.
This is the summary of the decision to Dismiss the Appeal -
virtue of its overall scale and extent, the proposals for the erection
of four poultry units and associated ancillary works on this undeveloped
rural site would have a harmful visual impact upon and would undermine
the character, appearance and openness of the countryside. The harmful
impacts would fail to be fully mitigated by any landscaping proposed.
Such harm would not be outweighed by the economic benefits that the
development would deliver. Therefore, the proposal does not represent
sustainable development as defined in the National Planning Policy
Framework. The proposal also fails to accord with adopted saved Wychavon
District Local Plan (2006) Policies ENV1 and ECON7 and emerging South
Worcestershire Development Plan Policy SWDP25."